This sweet gal absolutely stole my heart! When mama booked, she had mentioned that Harvey was supposed to have to do time in the NICU which is why they didn't book a newborn right off the bat, but she came out healthier than doctors had predicted! Being this would be their last little one, the family wanted to be able to document her while she was still tiny. For Newborn Lifestyles I book up to a month of age, sometimes a little later depending on baby.
I love lifestyle sessions because they really give me an opportunity to connect with my clients. I learned so much about this sweet couples story, and was a witness of their love for their sweet Harvey Ann. Who yes, was named after Hurricane Harvey!
Harvey was not a fan of outfit changes but once she was swaddled up or being held, she was the sweetest little sleepy nugget!
If you are wanting to book a newborn lifestyle but are nervous about having a photographer in your home, or having a picture perfect home, DON'T! Seriously don't stress. Typically we pick one well lit room ( I love natural light if possible) and I will move things around and stage things to get the shots necessary. The last thing I want is for a new mommy to be worrying about having the perfectly cleaned Pinterest house! You have so many more important things to be worrying about during this season, like that sweet little brand new babe of yours!