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The Birth of baby Rose

Janelle McDonnell

7:43 AM, I got the text “I don’t know if you’re awake, but I’m in labor.” It was go time! I arrived at Aimee’s house around 8:30 to find her laboring in her room. Within half an hour her midwife arrived, Midwife preformed a quick check and had surmised baby was READY! Aimee hopped in the birth tub, surrounded by her 3 children and Husband, she labored. Her best friend arrived, followed by the student midwife. Her team was assembled. Aimee was strong and steady, FOCUSED, on bringing sweet Rose earth-side. Between contractions, she smiled she laughed, she kissed her kiddos. Nearly 2 hours later 10:37am April 17, 2021 Aimee gave her last push (top left) and Rose was here! Aimee caught her breath in the pool while her littles & hubby looked on, admiring her hard work. After cutting the cord, Aimee moved to the bed to relax after her fast and furious labor. Sue and her assistant did the newborn exam as Aimee, Josh and siblings looked on. Rose is a very healthy babe weighing in at 8lbs, 11oz & 21.5 inches long. You are a warrior Aimee, It was a blessing to photograph YOUR story! Thank you for allowing me into your home to hold space during this special time.



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