What can you expect when booking with Janelle McDonnell Photography?
From Inquiry-Booking-Session Time, I strive to make each experience one to remember!
I walk you through session pricing, session styling options, and how to prepare for our time together.
Once booked, I send out a detailed intake form that allows you to choose colors you wish to be incorporated, any special themes as well as if you've seen any particular prop in my previous work that you would like me to use. I prep all of our sets before your arrival so that when you arrive, the focus is on you and that sweet little babe. Everything and I mean EVERYTHING to complete the images I take is included in the session fee. Wraps, pillows, bonnets, lovies, props, furs, layers, outfits, and all the additional extras in every color and theme imaginable.
From the time you walk in the doors to my studio space, rest assured baby is in trained and capable hands. I am trained in newborn safety for posing and handling your littlest love as well as CPR certified. I have also been photographing for nearly 6 years now and have had quite several newborns walk through these doors throughout my photography career.
Depending on the session size purchased / baby feedings/temperament etc., you can expect to spend anywhere from 1 to 3.5 hours in the studio for the shooting portion of our session. During this time, I will work at the baby's pace and pass the little one back for any necessary feeds or diaper changes!
Once our session is complete you can expect your images back in a quick 2.5 weeks! Check out some favorites from this sweet boy's newborn session! Contact my portrait studio to learn more.